Doctor Who. Players: Terrance Dicks
Arriving on the sun-baked veldt in the middle of the Boer War, the Sixth Doctor is soon involved in the adventures of struggling politician and war correspondent Winston Churchill. Of course, he knows Churchill is destined for great things, but unseen forces seem to be interfering with Winston’s his
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Arriving on the sun-baked veldt in the middle of the Boer War, the Sixth Doctor is soon involved in the adventures of struggling politician and war correspondent Winston Churchill. Of course, he knows Churchill is destined for great things, but unseen forces seem to be interfering with Winston’s historic career… The Doctor suspects the hidden hand of the Players, mysterious beings who regard human history as little more than a game. With time running out, can the Doctor find the right moves to defeat them?
An adventure featuring the Sixth Doctor as played by Colin Baker and his companion Peri
An adventure featuring the Sixth Doctor as played by Colin Baker and his companion Peri
ID товара
316 (Газетная)
225 г
197x130x20 мм
Тип обложки
обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Без иллюстраций
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26 января 2024 в 20:59
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