Little Dinosaur: Rhiannon Fielding
Рианнон Филдинг. Книга на английском языке. English language book
Calm your own sleepy dinosaur and count down to bedtime with this new board book edition of Ten Minutes to Bed Little Dinosaur, part of the no. 1 bestselling Ten Minutes to Bed series.
Muddy puddles, tropical birds, erupting volcanos... the jungle is full of so many exciting things, h
Muddy puddles, tropical birds, erupting volcanos... the jungle is full of so many exciting things, h
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Calm your own sleepy dinosaur and count down to bedtime with this new board book edition of Ten Minutes to Bed Little Dinosaur, part of the no. 1 bestselling Ten Minutes to Bed series.
Muddy puddles, tropical birds, erupting volcanos... the jungle is full of so many exciting things, how can Rumble the dinosaur possibly go to sleep?
Weaving a journey from lively beginning to gentle end, the ten-minute countdown to bed is at the heart of this adorable, heartwarming story. Now available as a gorgeous board book, this durable format is perfect for younger fans of the Ten Minutes to Bed series.
Muddy puddles, tropical birds, erupting volcanos... the jungle is full of so many exciting things, how can Rumble the dinosaur possibly go to sleep?
Weaving a journey from lively beginning to gentle end, the ten-minute countdown to bed is at the heart of this adorable, heartwarming story. Now available as a gorgeous board book, this durable format is perfect for younger fans of the Ten Minutes to Bed series.
ID товара
26 (Картон)
436 г
182x217x23 мм
Тип обложки
7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон)
Глиттер (блестки)
Все характеристики
2 219
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21 ноября 2023 в 14:59
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