Tender is the Night: Francis Fitzgerald
Фрэнсис Фицджеральд. Книга на английском языке. English language book
These sumptuous new hardback editions mark the 70th anniversary of Fitzgerald`s death.
Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash, the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are the Divers, Dick and Nicole who hold co
Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash, the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are the Divers, Dick and Nicole who hold co
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These sumptuous new hardback editions mark the 70th anniversary of Fitzgerald`s death.
Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash, the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are the Divers, Dick and Nicole who hold court at their villa. Into their circle comes Rosemary Hoyt, a film star, who is instantly attracted to them, but understands little of the dark secrets and hidden corruption that hold them together. As Dick draws closer to Rosemary, he fractures the delicate structure of his marriage and sets both Nicole and himself on to a dangerous path where only the strongest can survive. In this exquisite, lyrical novel, Fitzgerald has poured much of the essence of his own life; he has also depicted the age of materialism, shattered idealism and broken dreams.
Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash, the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are the Divers, Dick and Nicole who hold court at their villa. Into their circle comes Rosemary Hoyt, a film star, who is instantly attracted to them, but understands little of the dark secrets and hidden corruption that hold them together. As Dick draws closer to Rosemary, he fractures the delicate structure of his marriage and sets both Nicole and himself on to a dangerous path where only the strongest can survive. In this exquisite, lyrical novel, Fitzgerald has poured much of the essence of his own life; he has also depicted the age of materialism, shattered idealism and broken dreams.
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352 (Офсет)
524 г
206x140x40 мм
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7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон)
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Анна Проскурякова
14 февраля 2024 в 1:13

Прекрасный роман, очень актуальный и поучительный. В центре сюжета супружеская пара. Первая часть романа вводная, легкая, показывает нам обманчивый идеальный образ этой пары. Но автор позволяет нам заглянуть за фасад их жизни, увидеть, что они на самом деле за люди, и это полностью переворачивает мировоззрение, я тако...
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23 января 2024 в 21:52

Замечательное издание, на полках выглядит более чем достойно. Шрифт внутри книги выглядит немного жирноватым, при том что вступление выполнено иначе, но это мелочи. Покупкой полностью довольно, украсит любую домашнюю библиотеку
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