We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog: Lauren Child
An extremely very good book all about Charlie and Lola!
Lola loves dogs. So when Charlie takes Lola and her friend Lotta to the park with his friend Marv and Marv`s dog Sizzles, Lola is thrilled. Marv lets her and Lotta look after Sizzles on the promise that they don`t let him off the lead. C
Lola loves dogs. So when Charlie takes Lola and her friend Lotta to the park with his friend Marv and Marv`s dog Sizzles, Lola is thrilled. Marv lets her and Lotta look after Sizzles on the promise that they don`t let him off the lead. C
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An extremely very good book all about Charlie and Lola!
Lola loves dogs. So when Charlie takes Lola and her friend Lotta to the park with his friend Marv and Marv`s dog Sizzles, Lola is thrilled. Marv lets her and Lotta look after Sizzles on the promise that they don`t let him off the lead. Can Lola and Lotta keep their promise and look after Sizzles?
Lola loves dogs. So when Charlie takes Lola and her friend Lotta to the park with his friend Marv and Marv`s dog Sizzles, Lola is thrilled. Marv lets her and Lotta look after Sizzles on the promise that they don`t let him off the lead. Can Lola and Lotta keep their promise and look after Sizzles?
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32 (Мелованная)
216 г
274x249x4 мм
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обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
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14 марта 2024 в 16:20
У меня есть младшая сестра по имени Лола. Мы вместе росли, так что мы очень близки. Очень-очень близки. Я надеюсь, так оно и будет. Так будет всегда. Мы были одержимы этой историей много лет назад. Я люблю глупые забавные книги. И она тоже. В нашей библиотеке ВСЕГДА есть место для смешного и глупого. И я надеюсь, что ...
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