Misery: Stephen King
Стивен Кинг. Книга на английском языке. English language book
Misery Chastain was dead. Paul Sheldon had just killed her - with relief, with joy. Misery had made him rich; she was the heroine of a string of bestsellers. And now he wanted to get on to some real writing.
That`s when the car accident happened, and he woke up in pain in a strange be
That`s when the car accident happened, and he woke up in pain in a strange be
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Misery Chastain was dead. Paul Sheldon had just killed her - with relief, with joy. Misery had made him rich; she was the heroine of a string of bestsellers. And now he wanted to get on to some real writing.
That`s when the car accident happened, and he woke up in pain in a strange bed. But it wasn`t the hospital. Annie Wilkes had pulled him from the wreck, brought him to her remote mountain home, splinted and set his mangled legs.
The good news was that Annie was a nurse and has pain-killing drugs. The bad news was that she was Paul`s Number One Fan. And when she found out what Paul had done to Misery, she didn`t like it. She didn`t like it at all. And now he had to bring Misery back to life. Or else...
That`s when the car accident happened, and he woke up in pain in a strange bed. But it wasn`t the hospital. Annie Wilkes had pulled him from the wreck, brought him to her remote mountain home, splinted and set his mangled legs.
The good news was that Annie was a nurse and has pain-killing drugs. The bad news was that she was Paul`s Number One Fan. And when she found out what Paul had done to Misery, she didn`t like it. She didn`t like it at all. And now he had to bring Misery back to life. Or else...
ID товара
370 (Газетная)
268 г
197x128x24 мм
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обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
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Шахов Антон
17 апреля 2024 в 20:44

Один из самых известных романов Стивена Кинга, издание в оригинале. Из прочитанного на данный момент мной - лучшее произведение Кинга. Кошмар писателя, ставший явью. Только закончивший новый роман Пол Шелдон возвращается из горного отеля в штате Колорадо в состоянии опьянения и попадает в аварию. Его находит и пытает...
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