The Age of Innocence: Edith Wharton
Эдит Уортон. Книга на английском языке. English language book
Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton`s greatest achievements, The Age of Innocence is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the `eternal triangle` of love.
Set against the backdrop of upper-class New York society during
Set against the backdrop of upper-class New York society during
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Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton`s greatest achievements, The Age of Innocence is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the `eternal triangle` of love.
Set against the backdrop of upper-class New York society during the 1870s, the author`s combination of powerful prose combined with a thoroughly researched and meticulous evocation of the manners and style of the period, has delighted readers since the novel`s first publication in 1920.
In 1921 The Age of Innocence achieved a double distinction - it won the Pulitzer Prize and it was the first time this prestigious award had been won by a woman author.
Set against the backdrop of upper-class New York society during the 1870s, the author`s combination of powerful prose combined with a thoroughly researched and meticulous evocation of the manners and style of the period, has delighted readers since the novel`s first publication in 1920.
In 1921 The Age of Innocence achieved a double distinction - it won the Pulitzer Prize and it was the first time this prestigious award had been won by a woman author.
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234 (Офсет)
164 г
197x125x14 мм
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